AVO 3045 is environmentally friendly and unique Laundry additive. It is a concentrated liquid Laundry Fabric Whitener. It was designed to stop and remove yellowing, rust, and dinginess usually caused by iron in your water supply, and aging pipelines. It was also designed to stops static cling, reduces wrinkling, Whites become whiter, keeps clothes bright and would not dull the whites leaving washed clothes exceptionally
white or clean. AVO 3045 is very tough on stains and would not harm fabric like most Chlorine bleach based products. When this product is used regularly it would also prevent rust build-up, discoloring and maintains fabric at their brightest and whitest original color. It makes unloading, ironing, and
folding much easier especially where there is no more static cling. IT LEAVES LONG LASTING FRAGRANCE ON THE CLOTHES AND TOWELS WITHOUT IRRITATING THE SKIN.